Faith Juice – health the easy way
Who doesn’t want to wave a magic wand and find a glass of freshly juiced fruit and vegetables laced with fiery ginger placed in front of them? No shopping, chopping, peeling, scraping and, worst of all, cleaning the juicer. A loathsome chore.
Look no further than the charmingly rustic, unpretentious premises of Faith Juice at the Farm Village in Noordhoek, nestled in the leafy embrace of old oaks at the foot of Chapman’s Peak, the brainchild of the aptly named Joy-Anne, who places juices of joy before you. This energetic, slightly built entrepreneur produces a health punch that few of us can aspire to at home, and the success of the venture over the last few years bears testimony to the niche she has filled. Her thorough research into health-giving properties of the offerings ensures that every palate is catered for with an extensive range of juices, smoothies, soups and bowls. Even the names have a magical quality. Who could resist a Liver Scrubber (makes you feel saintly before you have even downed it) or Skinny Genes?
Bring some with you Liver Scrubber – absolute favourite! Joy-Anne
A few well-thumbed books lie on a rustic coffee table for those who care to sit in the sheltered nook, wreathed with succulents tumbling from hanging baskets, with an assortment of benches softened by colourful cushions. Crayons and a colouring book for Under 10s only give moms a break while they share a morning juice rather than traditional coffee, or a slice of avo toast with sesame seeds, lemon Juice and paprika, scattered with fresh coriander. The perfect size for a light meal in a supersized world.
Hopefully I have whet your appetite, as I am not going to drone on about this gem. Put it on your list next time you take a slow drive around the Peninsula. It has to be experienced to be appreciated and you will definitely call again.
A small section of the menu