Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Eye on Life

Broad interest online magazine

Random musingsUncategorized

Lying on the lawn

Whenever the council workers arrive to trim the verges and the public spaces, they spend a considerable time lounging on the lawns under the trees along the roadside. It all looks very companionable and inviting, and so today, while waiting at the top of the driveway for the nursery delivery truck, I thought I would also lie on the lawn under the gum tree and see what the attraction was.
The attractions were quite considerable. I have always enjoyed lying on lawns rather than sitting in those uncomfortable garden chairs that proliferate in the suburbs. It’s a way of connecting with Mother Earth – I go barefoot as often as possible – and seeing things from a smaller perspective. There are so many insects running about in the grass, carrying bits and pieces of sticks and grains of sand, and no doubt body parts of other decaying insects. The grass has interesting seeds in various configurations and they scrape off quite easily between fingernails – an opportunity to work on fine motor skills, which are fast disappearing with the constant tapping on keys and keyboards.
I could observe how many cars actually stop at the stop street – not many. I saw the security vehicle cruising by on his daily patrol – he waved at this strange woman lying on the grass under a tree, and must have decided I did not need apprehending.
The local dog owners had to take evasive action as they came past the hedge, expecting to bring Lassie round the other side to make a deposit that didn’t get picked up. They pretended they weren’t heading across the lawn, but having picked my spot carefully amid previous deposits, the game was up and another spot would have to be chosen. I got a great sense of satisfaction from this.
It was quite delightful lying in the shade, a gentle breeze blowing up from the direction of the lighthouse, where I could hear the crashing of the waves – a heavy onshore swell sent up from down South. I totally understood why the council workers indulged in the occupation so frequently.

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